We Rip the World Apart Discussion Guide
Some are serious, some are lighter; pick and choose the ones you feel best suit your group. If you’re interested in having Charlene drop by for a virtual (or possibly in-person) visit to your book club, send her a message at contact[at]charlenecarr.com and she’ll do her best to arrange a visit.
Do not read through these questions until AFTER you’ve read the book!
1.Did this novel make you think differently about the world in any way? If so, how?
2. Do you feel there should have been a public investigation into Antony’s shooting? If you were on the jury for a similar case, do you think you would you find the police officers guilty? Why or why not?
3. How could Kingsley have been more supportive in the aftermath of Antony’s death? Do you agree with his view that Evelyn shouldn’t try to fight the police force/city for justice? Why or why not?
4. Why do you think it was Evelyn and not Kingsley who wanted to fight for justice regarding Antony’s death?
5. Following Antony’s murder, Kareela is very passive about her emotions and seems hesitant to express her feelings to her parents. How do you feel this behaviour affects (or doesn’t affect) her relationships and life choices ?
6.What do you think of Kareela’s hesitancy about “tying” herself to a white man while she is trying to become a part of the Black community? Did her fears make sense to you? How do you think her life would (or wouldn’t) change if she’d stayed with Thomas?
7. Did you think it was appropriate for Carson to ask Kareela to share her family’s personal story at the rally? Why or why not?
8. What did you think of Violet’s decision to convince Evelyn not to report the attack to the police? If you think that decision made sense for the family, would you have liked to see Violet handle things between herself and Evelyn any differently?
9. Why do you think it took Kareela so long to realize that something else was behind Evelyn’s sudden pulling away from her in her teen years? When Kareela started to realize it, why do you think she didn’t really want to know the?
10. For you, what were the biggest factors in Kareela’s decision to keep the baby? Why or how do you feel the revelations from her mother and grandmother led to this decision?
11. What did you think of Evelyn’s decision to return to Jamaica with Dani and Kingsley’s ashes instead of offering to take Kareela and Violet? Do you think this was selfish, or was it necessary for Evelyn’s personal healing process?
12. When you think back on the novel, which scene stands out in your mind? Why?
13. If the novel were made into a TV show or movie, who would you like to see cast as the main characters?
14. How do you interpret the title We Rip The World Apart? What does it mean to you? What do you think it means to the author?
15. As you read the final lines of the book, what struck you the most about the story and how did you feel?