Tunes blasting. Flavours mingling. A place to think. A place to relax. A place to get lost. Jennifer Wellsman’s kitchen is her happy place. She loves to cook, and the hours she spends in her kitchen may be solitary, but she never feels alone. “I have conversations with me, myself,
Keep Reading ... →If you were to meet Michelle Marsh—soft-spoken, petite, works with kids, a friendly and inviting smile—you may not guess ‘stubborn’ as one of the main traits that’s defined her life. But as she talks about important, life altering decisions—the ones that made her grow, that determined her character, that gave
Keep Reading ... →Ten years ago, Katelyn Bourgoin dreamed of being an actress, an artist, a designer. She wasn’t sure which, but felt no matter what path she chose, it would be creative, freeing and fuelled by passion. This dream felt certain, clear and deliberate. Equally certain, was the type of person she
Keep Reading ... →If you’re reading this, and if you’re an entrepreneur, at some point you had to make a choice. Maybe you felt like you had no choices left. Maybe you just decided you needed something more. Maybe you knew you weren’t doing what made you excited to get out of bed
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