Crisp air, brilliant leaves, a time for reflection, and of course … tea!

I’ve never liked being cold …. scratch that. I hate being cold, and almost always am.

Despite my double thick socks, and two to three sweaters, I often find myself chilled even when my husband sits across from me in a t-shirt.

As a result, whenever the cold weather approaches, I become a tea addict.

In my cupboard you can find red tea, green tea, white, black, fruit, herbal, oolong, matcha, and from time to time even pu’erh.

When a deep chill sets in, it’s the only thing to warm me up.

So each year as summer’s warmth dissipates and I find myself donning multiple layers, dread seeps upon me.

Winter. Months and months of near ceasing chill.

My mood starts to drop, I get irritable at the thought of all the cold about to be thrust upon me.

And then I notice the first changing leaf.

And I remember …

20161007143133405_300_225_1_0With this change, also comes beauty. So I’ll layer up, I’ll drink massive amounts of tea, and I’ll take time to see the amazing beauty nature gifts us with at this pensive time of year.

Because that’s what fall is, a time for reflection, for enjoying the simple pleasures: crisp air, cozy sweaters, warm boots, pumpkins, friendship, an array of colour more majestic than any other season has to offer (at least in my part of the world!)

20161007140648246_300_225_1_0And I’ll also contemplate the changes in life … the truth that just as fall’s beauty comes through death, snippets of beauty, wonder, and joy, can always be found amidst even the most difficult losses or challenges of life.

I know not all of my readers get to witness the changing of the leaves, but we all experience the constantly changing seasons of life.

20161007143437600_300_225_1_0So, if you’re currently in a personal ‘fall’, grab your favourite (metaphorical) scarf, step out into the chill life has thrown at you, and open your eyes to the beauty to be found in this season.

If you look hard enough, perhaps within yourself, I’m sure you’ll find it.

And take time to read.


Treat yourself to a story that makes you laugh, or cry, or learn something about yourself. Fall is also a fabulous time for that.

Oh! Just heard the kettle click.

Time to make my next cup of tea. 😉

Until next time,





* This was originally written as an email to my newsletter list, but so many people let me know that it spoke to them, I figured I’d share it on a potentially larger scale, and keep it around for posterity’s sake … or something like that. 🙂

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