Can happiness be measured on a scale?

skinny me charlene carr

  It’s January—new beginnings, new goals, and for many, myself included, the need for a new pair of jeans. If you’re like me though, you don’t want to buy that new pair of jeans, rather, you want to fit back into your old pairs! I may be exaggerating a bit

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What’s the big fixation? New Year’s Resolutions or Old Year’s lessons

New Year's Resolutions?

If you could go back over your year and get one do-over, just one, would you? If you would, what would it be? This is the time of year when people determine to look toward the future, to think about the goals and resolutions they want to make for a

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Oh, the cycles of life!

Where There Is Life - cycles

Have you ever noticed how full of cycles life is? It seems time and time again we learn the same lessons, we make the same mistakes, or different mistakes in similar ways, and then, again and again, we have the opportunity to grow, to become this better, stronger person. If

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Inviting Calm

I found myself sitting in my office this week, papers strewn across the floor, tears running down my face. I felt like a failure. You ever been there? Deep down I knew, I mean I REALLY knew I was not a failure. It didn't even make sense to think I was one.Keep Reading ...

The Journey Never Ends

Mark Twain Twenty Years From Now

  Over a decade ago now I was packing up my bags and preparing for what I imagined would be the adventure of a lifetime. There were two things that gave me the drive, the excitement, and the courage to travel to the other side of the world. One was

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What shall I be feeling?

what shall I be feeling?

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I woke up on Canada Day in a slump. And I mean a big slump. An – I don’t want to do anything, I feel horribly listless about life in general type of slump. It was bad. I knew I had two options. I could

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How the Capelin Roll


I put on my coat, slip into my rainboots, and walk to the car with a spring in my step. We are on our way to see the capelin roll. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can learn more here. But in short, the capelin are

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The Power of This Moment

this moment

My whole life I’ve struggled with being happy – or at least with being happy for any extended period of time. I’m sure I’m not alone in this. At times happiness seems like this elusive thing, in our grasp for one fleeting moment at a time. When I was a child

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A little bit of Courage can go a long, long way.


In my last post I talked about fear. On the other side of that is the elusive little quality of spirit we call courage. Courage can come in many different forms. The pursuit of courage is part of why we watch movies, read books, and follow the tales of notable people.

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When April Showers Just Bring May Ice Fog

What’s that saying? April Showers Bring May Flowers? Well, what about when it doesn’t – not at all, not even a little bit – what about when April’s showers bring snow, ice fog and really cold drizzle that whips you in the face? I’ve always been the type of person

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