An Interview with the Author: I’ve had a number of readers ask me questions about Skinny Me and the A New Start series in general. So to answer those questions for others who may have similar ones … Q: How did you come up with the story of Skinny Me? A:
Keep Reading ... →It’s so easy to let the past cripple and define us. We hold onto experiences, beliefs, and heartache, thinking those things are still real, that they have control over us. But they don’t, unless we let them. Many readers of my novel, Skinny Me, focus on the main character’s weight loss journey
Keep Reading ... →If you’re reading this, and if you’re an entrepreneur, at some point you had to make a choice. Maybe you felt like you had no choices left. Maybe you just decided you needed something more. Maybe you knew you weren’t doing what made you excited to get out of bed
Keep Reading ... →As I write this, I’ve just finished editing my first novel for self-publication. And when I say finished I mean really finished – after the months and months of writing, revising, rewriting, getting feedback from others, and editing, editing, editing – I’m done! Of course, there are always things I
Keep Reading ... →I put on my coat, slip into my rainboots, and walk to the car with a spring in my step. We are on our way to see the capelin roll. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can learn more here. But in short, the capelin are
Keep Reading ... →In my last post I talked about fear. On the other side of that is the elusive little quality of spirit we call courage. Courage can come in many different forms. The pursuit of courage is part of why we watch movies, read books, and follow the tales of notable people.
Keep Reading ... →Said in some form by Stephen King, William Faulkner, and some guy named Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (whom I’d never heard of before today), it’s an annoying phrase for most writers: kill your darlings. For editors it’s a little more pleasant or at least satisfying. Although when it comes to editing, it’s
Keep Reading ... →I’m only five days into this blog and already I felt a struggle today to write and pressure to ‘have’ to think up a topic because I decided I would contribute something every day (as long as circumstances allow). I’m visiting my family and to take the discipline and concentration
Keep Reading ... →I went to a business conference a few weeks ago, expecting to come away with some business tips. What I received, however, was a renewed look at my belief in myself. I had already decided a few weeks before the conference that I was going to continue past my self-declared
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