Being a mom. The exhaustion, the transformation, the joy

lying in a field, being a mom

As I sit to write, my daughter is 1 year 1 month and 8 days old. She’ll likely be much older by the time this post makes it to the world’s eyes because … being a mom. I’m a writer, and so all along, even when she was nothing but

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My baby slept through the night AND the time a guitar-playing prisoner made me cry

guitar player

Last week we moved my 11-month-old into her own room. The first night went amazing. She put herself back to sleep every time she woke in three minutes or less – without my help. Twelve hours and thirty-eight sweet sweet minutes. The following nights … Let’s just say it’s been a rough week.

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Giveaway AND Liking the Unlikable Character

Liking the Unlikable Skinny Me

In consuming movies, television and novels, I’ve often found myself liking an unlikable character. They’re interesting, they’re intriguing, they’re insightful. There is something within them that just begs to be understood or that creates delight in being reviled, something that’s distasteful but curious. I was going to list some ‘unlikables’

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Video Book Chat: Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty     Check out Big Little Lies An incredibly honest story with characters who aren’t always likable but are full of thoughts and experiences that are highly relatable! Author’s Website For more on how Big Little Lies affected me personally, allowing me to gain

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Stories are powerful.

stories are powerful

Stories are powerful. This is a truth I’ve believed for years because I’ve experienced it. As a child, the books I read took me out of my own world, my own fears, my own pain, and allowed me to find myself in other worlds. Worlds that, despite their inherent dangers, were

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Let Go of the Past

charlene carr

It’s so easy to let the past cripple and define us. We hold onto experiences, beliefs, and heartache, thinking those things are still real, that they have control over us. But they don’t, unless we let them. Many readers of my novel, Skinny Me, focus on the main character’s weight loss journey

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Remember the ‘wonderful,’ and the road that got you to today

charlene carr endometriosis awareness

If you’re reading this, and if you’re an entrepreneur, at some point you had to make a choice. Maybe you felt like you had no choices left. Maybe you just decided you needed something more. Maybe you knew you weren’t doing what made you excited to get out of bed

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Fiction Friday: The Thrum of Life

charlene carr

This isn’t exactly a short story … well, it’s not. For Fiction Friday I’m posting a Fiction Thought, which is essentially the glimmer of a potential story. One such glimmer (even shorter than this), which I wrote about eleven years ago after a walk through the woods, has grown in

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If a spider can do it …

resilience charlene carr

My husband and I took a walk through the woods. As we travelled deeper the snow fell harder, eventually turning into ice pellets that stung our faces and clung to our coats. The world around us was beautiful, but also a little cruel. Then my husband, ever the observer, stopped

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Can happiness be measured on a scale?

skinny me charlene carr

  It’s January—new beginnings, new goals, and for many, myself included, the need for a new pair of jeans. If you’re like me though, you don’t want to buy that new pair of jeans, rather, you want to fit back into your old pairs! I may be exaggerating a bit

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