Read the Original article published January 24, 2023 at The Globe and Mail by clicking here. When a woman gives birth, generally it’s the father who may have inklings of fear that the baby isn’t his. The mother does not – unless she got pregnant the way I did. When
Keep Reading ... →Book Review: Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult Check out Wish You Were Here This book pulled me in and took me away. I was so involved in the lives of the characters, to the point where I was unreasonably upset about some aspects of this story –
Keep Reading ... →Book Review: The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams Check out The Reading List This read was like a warm book-loving hug. Adams did a brilliant job of drawing us into the characters’ lives and world. It reminds the reader of the power of story to influence and shape our
Keep Reading ... →Book Review: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig Check out The Midnight Library Although the plot was rather predictable and at times became repetitive, I loved this book. It came at a time in my life when I really needed the message. Life is hard. Choices are harder. Regrets
Keep Reading ... →Book Chat: Under Heaven’s Shining Stars by Jean Grainger Check out Under Heaven’s Shining Stars A heartfelt tale of three young men, their trials, their tribulations, and the love that holds them together. I loved the simplicity and honesty of the relationships between the three lead characters and the
Keep Reading ... →Book Chat: Women Talking by Miriam Toews Check out Women Talking A revolutionary tale based on the aftermath of true and horrific events. Women Talking is a contemplative read that begs the reader to step out of her own life and experience and consider a life where you can’t read, you
Keep Reading ... →Video Book Chat: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks Check out The Notebook Author’s Website: (You should seriously check out the author’s page. It has a story for the inspiration of The Notebook that, though only a few paragraphs long, has me wiping tears right now.) A beautiful tale of human
Keep Reading ... →Just two more days hours until Behind Our Lives is released into the world. Which means only TWO MORE DAYS HOURS to pre-order your copy and get some awesome bonuses. (More on that below). The proof copy of the print book arrived yesterday morning, just five minutes before I went to speak to
Keep Reading ... →Have you ever had your heart broken? Most of us have. Most of us know what it feels like to ache in a spot so deep it takes our breath away, to be baffled by the fact that we didn’t know this type of pain was possible. To literally feel like
Keep Reading ... →A Love Worth Rooting For … I’ve always enjoyed a good love story. I read Pride and Prejudice when I was eleven or twelve and for the next decade it was my favourite book. When I watched The Notebook, Noah quickly became my ideal man … not just for the intensity of love
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