The Night A Thief Invaded My Kitchen

smart mouse, behind our lives, motherhood

A few nights ago my eyes were bigger than my stomach, and so that last piece of chocolate bark I’d had with my tea ended up staying on the plate. Our house is pretty chilly and, in the almost two years we’ve lived here, I’ve never even seen a bug

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Stories are powerful.

stories are powerful

Stories are powerful. This is a truth I’ve believed for years because I’ve experienced it. As a child, the books I read took me out of my own world, my own fears, my own pain, and allowed me to find myself in other worlds. Worlds that, despite their inherent dangers, were

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Go Ahead – Follow Love

do what you love

The past two posts I’ve talked about fear and courage. My life has been filled with a lot of both of those lately. Yesterday I was trying to think about what was meaningful for me to share this week – I came up with nothing. Yesterday I also happened to

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A little bit of Courage can go a long, long way.


In my last post I talked about fear. On the other side of that is the elusive little quality of spirit we call courage. Courage can come in many different forms. The pursuit of courage is part of why we watch movies, read books, and follow the tales of notable people.

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