The mind is a funny, funny thing. So powerful, so intricate, and yet so very weak. Strongly connected to the power of the mind is this thing called resolve. In theory, I have loads of resolve. I have goals and dreams and things on my list of ‘to-do’s that are
Keep Reading ... →It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything . . . and not just here – anywhere. Well, anything I haven’t been obligated by a contract to write. I’ve tried a few times here – only to ditch a half written post that felt forced. I’ve opened my journal,
Keep Reading ... →It’s been an intense week. An overwhelming week. A stressful week. A week when I’ve felt like an impostor, like I’ve taken on more than I can handle, when my work has made me tired and burdened me with feeling inept. I had moments when I wanted to cry, moments when
Keep Reading ... →I’ve been thinking a lot about value lately. It’s so subjective, and that’s a frustrating and a beautiful thing. It’s beautiful because it allows us to make choices that would otherwise be considered impractical, unwise, foolhardy, indulgent and feel justified. It’s frustrating because it can cause us stress, guilt, confusion
Keep Reading ... →I’ve been thinking about love the last few days, the multitude of thoughts and emotions and actions and ways of understanding that one word. I’ve also been thinking about the dozens and dozens and dozens of people who’ve passed through my life that I could apply that word to –
Keep Reading ... →In my previous post (which was awhile ago – it’s amazing how an engagement and trying to get wedding plans underway can steal your attention!) I discussed the Wizard’s First Rule from Terry Goodkind’s The Sword of Truth series. Today I move onto the Second Rule. Just as the first had some pretty interesting
Keep Reading ... →A couple months ago I posted about my new interest in fantasy – based on one of my brothers encouraging me to read his favourite fantasy series. I’ve now gotten through the second book – an almost 1000 page delight and am taking a break before delving into the next . . .
Keep Reading ... →“Eternity has nothing to do with time. Eternity is that dimension of here and now which thinking and time cuts out. The experience of eternity right here and now is the function of life.” These words were spoken by a man who died mere months after saying them. I wonder
Keep Reading ... →Sometimes it amazes me how easy it is to just get busy. And how in getting busy we let other things, things that are important to us, slide out of focus. This blog is one of them. Focusing on getting the first several pages of my manuscript in proper condition
Keep Reading ... →“For it is one thing to see the land of peace from a wooded ridge . . . and another to tread the road that leads to it.”
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